Applied to :Anlapus Ipc cameras with SD card slots;
Note: If you fail to find any records in the Micro SD card when trying to playback the recordings of your camera, please see whether you have left out any detail when searching recordings in Playback. If you still cannot find any records, please follow the steps below to troubleshoot the issue.
There are several possible causes for the problem:
Cause 1. The micro SD card cannot be recognized by Anlapus cameras.
Solution: Please go to check the SD Card setting of the Anlapus app, You will see whether the SD card has been recognized via the SD card's information. If not, please choose the SD card that is compatible with Anlapus products.
Cause 2. Incorrect recording settings.
Solution: Configure motion detection record to micro SD card for C518 Camera.
Cause 3. The camera fails to trigger the alarm.
Solution: Try to trigger the motion detection and check the signs of the alarm:
a. Check for Motion Icon (a green iron) on the screen.
b. Check for Push Notification or Email Alerts.
c. Check for Audio Alarm
If no signs of alarm can be found, please contact our support team for additional help.
Cause 4. The SD card is not working.
Solution: Try to format the micro SD card or try another SD card. If the alarm can be triggered properly but still no recordings found in the SD card, please try to format your SD card into FAT32 to test whether the camera can save the recordings.
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